EU Benchmarks Regulation
The EU Benchmarks Regulation applies since 1 January 2018 and affects both EU and non-EU entities that administer indices that are used in the EU as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds. In the UK, after ‘Brexit’, the administration and use of financial benchmarks will be subject to UK legislation. However, UK legislation replicates the EU Benchmarks Regulation.
On 31 July, 2019, STOXX Ltd. (STOXX) has acquired recognition by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) as a third-country administrator in accordance with Art. 32 of the EU Benchmarks Regulation. STOXX and the indices administered by STOXX have been included in the ESMA Benchmarks register under Art. 36 of the EU Benchmarks Regulation.